1 John
The book of 1 John, likely written by the apostle John, addressed a community of believers shaken by the departure of some who rejected foundational truths about Jesus. Being influenced by Greek ideas regarding human flesh as evil and spirit as good, these individuals denied that God came in human flesh. Despite their denial, immoral behavior, and lack of love, they claimed superior spiritual insight and deserted the fellowship. This left the remaining believers uncertain about their faith, prompting John to write this letter. John reassured them of the truth they had known from the beginning, affirming the reality of the Messiah’s incarnation. John emphasized that genuine knowledge of God is evidenced by godly living and practical love.
The Incarnation Of The Word Of Life - Chapter 1
John began his letter by proclaiming the reality of the Word of life. He explained that the Word was present from the beginning, and he, along with the other apostles, heard, saw, and touched. This Word is the eternal life, who was with the Father and appeared to them. John emphasized the importance of sharing this testimony with others so they could have fellowship with them and with God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
Light And Darkness, Sin and Forgiveness
John explained that God is pure light, with no darkness in Him. Therefore, claiming fellowship with God while walking in darkness is a lie. True fellowship with God comes from walking in the light and through the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood. John acknowledged that all people sin, and God will forgive them if they confess their sins.
Light And Darkness, Sin and Forgiveness (cont.) - Chapter 2
John reassured his readers that if they do sin, they have an advocate in Jesus Christ, who sacrificed Himself for the sins of the whole world.
Love And Hatred For Fellow Believers
John emphasized that knowledge of God is evidenced by obeying His commands. Anyone who claims to know God but does not obey Him is lying. Obedience to God’s word perfects love for Him, and those who claim to live in Him must live as Jesus did. John also stressed the importance of love among believers. Hatred for a fellow believer is equivalent to walking in darkness, whereas loving others demonstrates living in the light and walking in truth.
Reasons For Writing
John wrote to the various groups within the Christian community: children whose sins are forgiven through Jesus' name, fathers who know God from the beginning, and young men who have overcome "the evil one" and remained strong in God's word. He encouraged them all to remain faithful to God and His truth.
On Not Loving The World
John warned against loving the world and its desires—such as lust, greed, and pride. These come from the world and not from the Father. The things of this world pass away, but those who do God’s will live forever.
Warnings Against Denying The Son
John warned of the coming of the antichrist, who denies that Jesus is the Christ. To deny that Jesus is Christ means to reject His identity as the anointed Savior and the fulfillment of God's promise of salvation. It involves refusing to acknowledge His divine nature and role in God's plan for redemption. John explained that anyone who denies the Son also denies the Father, while those who acknowledge the Son have the Father. John urged believers to remain in the truth they had heard from the beginning to avoid being led astray by false teachings. The Holy Spirit's anointing teaches them the truth and keeps them grounded in the faith.
God's Children And Sin
John encouraged believers to continue living in Christ so they can stand confidently and unashamed when He returns. Those who live righteously demonstrate that they have been born of Him as God’s children.
God's Children And Sin (cont.) - Chapter 3
John emphasized the incredible love of the Father. He noted that the world does not recognize them because it did not know God. He explains that when Christ returns, they will be like Him. Anyone with this hope purifies themselves, just as Christ is pure. He describes sin as lawlessness, and Christ appeared to take away sin. Those who live in Him do not continue in sin, and anyone who persists in sin does not truly know Christ. The children of God are recognized by their righteousness and love for others.
More On Love And Hatred
John urged believers to love one another, contrasting this with the example of Cain, who murdered his brother out of evil. He warned that the world may hate believers, but true believers pass from death to life because they love each other. Hatred is equated with murder, and those who hate do not possess eternal life. John clarified that true love is shown through self-sacrifice, as Christ laid down His life for us. He challenged believers to go beyond loving with words but also through actions and truth. Those who love genuinely have confidence before God and can receive from Him, following His command to love one another and believe in Jesus Christ.
On Denying The Incarnation - Chapter 4
John warned believers to test the spirits (false teachers) to determine whether they are from God. He explained that every spirit that acknowledges Jesus Christ coming in the flesh is from God, while those that deny Him are from the spirit of the antichrist. John reassured the believers that they had overcome these false spirits because the one in them, the Holy Spirit, is greater than the one in the world. He emphasized that those who are from God listen to the truth while those from the world follow its deceit.
God's Love And Ours
John called believers to love one another, as love originates from God, and anyone who loves has been born of God and knows Him. He stated that God demonstrated His love by sending His Son as an atoning sacrifice for humanity’s sins. Since God loved us, we are called to love one another through our actions. He explained that God’s presence in believers is shown through His Spirit and that perfect love casts out fear.
Faith In The Incarnate Son Of God - Chapter 5
John taught that everyone who believes in Jesus as the Christ is born of God and loves the Father and His Son. He explained that love for God is shown by keeping His commands. Those born of God overcome the world, and this victory is achieved through faith in Jesus. John emphasized that Jesus came by both water and blood, and the Holy Spirit testifies to this truth. The testimony of the Spirit, the water, and the blood are in agreement, confirming that eternal life is found in the Son.
Concluding Affirmations
John reassured believers that they can be confident in their eternal life, as their faith in the Son of God assures them of this. He taught that prayer under God's will is always heard, and whatever is asked in His name is granted. John instructed believers to pray for those who sin, provided their sin does not lead to death. He clarified that all wrongdoing is sin, but only some sin leads to death. He affirmed that those born of God do not continue in sin. John explained that the Son of God has given believers understanding to know the true God.